Common Facilities
1. use the hand sanitizier on entry and exit from common areas;
2. do not touch common surfaces,and store your beauty case or accessories in a bag before putting them down,you can use your own personal sanitizer before this.
Watch out for sings
Use your mask, use your mask properly,covering mouth and nose.
Change it frequently and remember to use it when you cannot keep a safe distance.
Sanitizer your hands frequently, hand cleaning is an efficient defence. Wash them frequently using soap and water and rub the entire hand for at least 60 seconds. Otherwise, use our gel dispenser located in all camping site areas.
Regulated acess, Please, cooperate with our Team to avoid gatherings at all outdoor and indoor common areas.
In Case of Symptoms
1. Before your departure: if you have fever over 37.5° or respiratory infection symptoms, or have been in contact with positive people in the last 14 days, unfortunately you cannot come on holiday.
2. during your holiday: if you have fever over 37.5° and respiratory infection symptoms stay home (bungalow, mobilhom, apartament or pitches) and keep a save distance of 2 meters;
3. call directly the reception: our staff will contact immediately the Health Authority who will promptly intervene.In case of COVID suspect, you and anybody of your group have to leave the campsite;
4. the Reception is equipped with the Emergency Kit ( devices and clothing suitable for approaching people with symptoms);
5. the bungalow, mobilhom, apartament, pitch will be isolated and sanitized.
Confirmed by the High Research Health Institute "Giovanni Rezza" , sand and seas are safe components for a relaxing, well-being holiday reinforcing the immunity system.